From the 7.-8. of November the well known Developer Conference in Hamburg took place, with more than 120 speakers. The talks covered a big range from frontend to backend and also marketing specific topics. So a small delegation of our STYLIGHT engineers packed their bags, left behind their beloved alps and travelled to the north of Germany with two talks in the luggage.
Day 1: One Product – Many Countries
Since we made an early bird flight on Thursday morning before the conference started, all of us were a little bit sleepy in the beginning. But thanks to free soft drinks, nachos & popcorn our mood got better quite quick when we arrived at the Cinemaxx at Hamburg Dammtor. So Basti gave a talk on how our architecture evolved with moving STYLIGHT to more countries in which he covered learning, pitfalls & a lot more and we (the other Basti & me) gathered knowledge by attending other very interesting talks.
It really would not be fair to mention the great organisation and food throughout the conference. As if the free sweets were not enough, there was awesome breakfast, lunch & dinner on both days. And when the first day ended slowly they made a great after-conference party close to the central station. So after a few drinks we happily fell asleep in the awesome Superbude hotel at Schanzenviertel.

Yep, we take Movember serious // The awesome and cozy Superbude
Day 2: One Architecture – Many Countries
The second day covered as many interesting talks as the first one and we had the pleasure to share more knowledge we collected throughout our company history so far. Also we had a talk, this time more about the technical challenges we faced when bringing STYLIGHT abroad.
Of course we took the chance to discover Hamburg city more after the conference ended on Friday evening and so we stayed over the weekend. Besides more city typical sightseeing of course techies have to go to the miniature museum: Servers, electronics, love for details – nothing more to ask for 🙂
To put it in a nutshell, the conference was really awesome! We heard a lot of inspiring talks, made new friends and gained together some more kilos caused by the great catering! So a lot of reasons to come back next year and sharing more knowledge with the developer community!