When June pops up in our calendar, it’s the time of the year you see colourful decorations and rainbow flags all over the world’s major cities. It is pride month – the month dedicated to commemorating the Stonewall Riots, which occurred at the end of June 1969 in New York. Nowadays, Pride is a way for us to show our own pride and cheer for the LGBTQI+ community. Still, it’s a long way to gain equal rights for same-sex couples, transgender individuals and queer people all over the world. That’s why we at Stylight wanted to support this cause and support the LGBTQI+ community. As a company, we emphasize inclusion, equality and diversity to create a surrounding which is not only a workplace but a safe space for every employee to grow and feel welcome to speak up and show their full potential.

With this in mind, we raised awareness throughout our employees by some simple actions: Our company logo changed to a rainbow version on all our online channels and we did an employee photo shooting for a special pride-related magazine article on our website.

Most importantly, as the Pride topic is about visibility in our society, we wanted to raise awareness and to directly contribute to the community. Therefore we raised money by designing and selling a special Stylight Pride t-shirt internally for all employees. We tweaked our company claim “Make Style Happen” into MAKE LOVE HAPPEN and created a simple, yet stylish and colourful t-shirt. With this statement t-shirt, people were walking around the office, around the city and visited the Munich Pride Parade to show their support. In total, we raised 697€, which we donated to the German Association of Lesbian and Gays (LSVD).

Written by Martin Schumacher