12 Hours with: Alee, Stylight’s User Researcher


Define yourself in one hashtag

What’s your definition of success?
Working towards something that has a positive impact, and finding happiness in doing it.

Your power outfit?
A dress or romper, a pair of metallic sandals, and (most importantly) sunglasses. Lately it’s been SO hot in Munich, so my power outfit entails something I won’t die of heat in.

Biggest surprise working at Stylight?
Just how empowered everybody is. If ANYONE wants to make something happen, for example a new job opening, a crazy campaign, a completely new app…prove why it matters and sky’s the limit. Everyone here is young and nobody shakes their head at crazy ideas or big changes.

Last thought before you go to sleep?
“Did I take my contacts out…”

Give us a word that describes your job for each letter of your name:
A –  Analysis – Looking at information from user tests, usability tests and desirability evaluations
L –  Learning – What methods of collecting information from our users work best
E – Evaluating – Making sense of it all and figuring out if what features stay and what need fixing
E – Emphasising – The importance of UX and design for our web and apps teams

Person you’d love to have coffee with
Tim Brown / Marissa Louie / Tim Van Damme / Cap Watkins / My big design inspirations … I’m a bit ashamed to say it but Bieber’s on that list too.

Best gift you’ve ever received
My first bike on my 5th birthday. It was pink with tassels, and I remember being thrilled.

‘Home’ means…?
My parents house in the burbs.



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Most mornings I roll out of bed and onto my yoga mat. It’s usually a short and sweet sun salutation, and it’s more of a ritual than anything else.

Hop on my bike and head to work.


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I get into the office and eat my breakfast while checking emails. I usually have muesli, yogurt and COFFEE. I’m pretty sure I’m the only one in the office who drinks an americano (or has even heard of one), and I take a lot of hate for it.
Work looks completely different for me every day. I’m usually mid way through some type of user research tho, so I keep track of the current round of research on the agile board behind my desk so the team knows where I’m at.


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I’ve just finished up a round of Usability testing for our Android apps, so right now I’m working on synthesising my research. This usually takes a couple of days. I color code each participant and group similar findings in diagrams, while I play back video footage from each test.
After lunch with the team, I have another cup of coffee and get back at it. A lot of what I do at work involves examining the apps of our competitors. Today I’m picking apart the onboarding of Polyvore.


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A few meetings later and I’m starting to prepare the presentation for the mobile team about the research findings. We were testing how users react to/interact with push notifications in the android app so I visualized the positive/negative affect in two charts. I make them in excel and pull them into sketch.
I’m home from work, and I almost always put together a quick dinner. This summer caprese has been at the top of my list lately.


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After work I usually head to the Eisbach with friends. Keep me waiting and I’ll send you ugly selfies with my “hurry up i’m melting face”.
I have a secret time killer, and it’s called ball king. Best. app. ever.


Good music, cold beer, and colder water.

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Last but not least, a little prep for the week. On a good week I spent a bit of time making things to grab for a quick lunch or dinner. On a bad week I eat Pho every day 😉



|By Alee Furman|

Connect with her:

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