Under the Desk of… a Software Engineer


After getting to know who’s behind a Business Analyst at Stylight, it’s time for another instalment of “Under the Desk”. In this episode, we will reveal what our Software Engineers are capable of, let’s give a warm welcome to Ugur!

Stylight - Under the Desk - Software Engineer

If you could only eat one type of food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
İmam Bayıldı which is whole eggplant stuffed with onion, garlic and tomatoes, and simmered in olive oil. Funnily, it literally means “The imam fainted”. It is said that an imam (Muslim priest) swooned with pleasure on tasting the dish. I can’t blame him. It is something I eat since childhood and I love it!
Movie time. What’s your all time favourite film?
12 Angry Men.
Any particular characters from that film that you admire?
Juror 8 (played by Henry Fonda) is my favourite character in that film. He goes great lengths to convince other 11 people in the room that he has reasonable doubts about the case where they are convinced they figured all out.
If you had to describe your job in a tweet, what would you say? (Remember that a tweet is just 140 characters so keep it brief!)

Under the desk - Software Engineer

Can you explain 5 of your everyday tasks, as if you were talking to a friend who hasn’t got a clue about your job.
1. Analyze software requirements & constraints
2. Design, implement and monitor scalable backend systems
3. Improve Product Services API that empowers Stylight website and apps with products, product recommendations and related information
4. Improve product ranking to help our users find most relevant products
5. Keep on learning new programming languages, technologies, tools and methodologies

Last but not least… include an inspirational work quote and a work icon! (yes, Garfield counts)
“Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.” –Martin Fowler

Under the Desk - Software Engineer - Inspiration


|By Ugur Adiguezel – Software Engineer|


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