How to ensure that employees stay fit during Home Office
Although we are all working from home, it is still important to keep moving and stay in shape. We in the People & Organization department created the ‘Bike & Hike Challenge’ to help employees stay active.
The Mission 
All participants were split into four teams with 7-8 Stylighters per team and challenged to bike or hike as many kilometers as possible for 1 month. The team with the most kilometers wins a 25€ Intersport gift card for each team member!
Stories from participants
Stylighter Enrico did a three hour ride to Lago di Cavedine, up to a spot called Malga Campo. To get there, he had to bike 15 km uphill! It must have been exhausting but definitely worth it! While ascending from about 300 meters above sea level to 1368 meters above sea level, you’re completely surrounded by the beauty of nature.
Our lovely Stylighter, Johanna, did an amazing job hiking in the challenge. During the challenge, she was working on getting her golfing license and was hiking a lot along the way. On her journey, she saw beautiful sunsets in Sweden and ended up in second place in the hiking category. Her advice? Always push yourself when you feel like you’re done, because that’s how you challenge yourself and get better!
The Winning Team 
Congratulations to our winning team: Victorious Secret!!! Wow, they covered a distance of 4572.72km!
Congratulations to all our teams – you all did an amazing job!!!
The King of the Bike & Hike Challenge 2020
Our sporty Stylighter, Yu, is the King of the Bike & Hike Challenge this year! As a member of the Brakes Not Included Team, he covered an impressive distance of 2175.45km. Great job, Yu!
Overall, the Bike & Hike Challenge 2020 was a lot of fun and we can’t wait to see which team will win the title next year!