Working From Home: 20 tips on how to get the most out of it (Part 1)


In times like these, with COVID-19 and slowly more and more restrictions and lockdowns in Germany, Stylight has at heart the safety of its employees and the community at large. That is why, since last week, all Stylighters are advised to stay at home, as we can thankfully carry on working remotely without any impact on our performance. And actually, we’re pretty much experts in working from home – this is why we want to share some of our tips with you today!

Stylight home office tip #1:
Get a good coffee machine and have a fresh air break every now and then ☕

Our first tip is from Matthias Hoyer, our Head of Product: “Get a good coffee machine and have a fresh air break every now and then. Use a notebook to gather ideas and write down how to tackle the next ticket etc. away from the keyboard. There’s no need to feel bad about it.”.

Stylight Homeoffice Tip #1: 
Get a good coffee machine and have a fresh air break every now and then

Stylight home office tip #2:
Have a proper breakfast before you start 🥐

Soline Demenois, B2B Manager at Stylight, says: “Don’t start working right when you wake up: have a proper breakfast and coffee before you start checking your professional emails or Slack”.

Stylight Homeoffice Tip #2:
Have a proper breakfast before you start

Stylight home office tip #3:
Stay hydrated! 💦 

“Stick to your normal work routine. We tend to do overhours, especially when we are home all day long, but that may affect your performance in the long run. Lastly, and more importantly, stay hydrated!” is the best tip from Vera Digner Romeiro, Business Development Manager at Stylight.

Stylight Homeoffice Tip #3:
Stay hydrated!

Stylight home office tip #4:
Keep your daily routine 🗓️

Claudia Guevara, our Head of Product Processing, has some good tips for you as well: “Keep your daily routine: shower, get ready as if you were leaving home and have breakfast. Have a designated work area and everyday create a to-do list before you start to work, copying unfinished items from the day before if they are still relevant – add to it as your day progresses.”

“Continue to have your meetings, specially a remote video “stand-up” with everyone in the team as at least one daily touch point is essential for a healthy team. Do as many video calls as needed, don’t be afraid to ask for an ad-hoc 15 mins call to clear up questions or just have a chat. Don’t skip 1-on-1s — they can help shed light on blind spots, specially in this different way of working. As a leader, be creative and be available — stratigize and research on how to keep your team’s workflow going and keep communication flowing.”

Stylight Homeoffice Tip #4:
Keep your daily routine

Stylight home office tip #5:
Overcommunicate when you’re working from home 💬

Our 5th tip is from Thiago Pojda, our Tech SEO Manager. He says: “Communication can be a big issue in a lot of companies, and it can get more challenging when everything is done remotely. Solution: overcommunicate. When working on something that might affect other people, write the steps you took and your findings somewhere other people can access.”

Stylight Homeoffice Tip #5:
Overcommunicate when you're working from home

Stylight home office tip #6:
Disconnect from work when your workday is over 🔌

“Disconnecting from work when you are working from home is tough! When your work-day is over, make sure you transition into your evening in a healthy way, just as you would do if you were in the office. Say goodbye to your team mates on your office chat, close all screens and do something active to detach yourself (a walk where possible, a home workout, meditation, a good podcast etc.)” is the best advice from Clara Del Genio, Brand & Content Marketing Manager at Stylight.

Stylight Homeoffice Tip #6:
Disconnect from work when your workday is over

Stylight home office tip #7:
Have a schedule, so you feel like you accomplished something at the end of the day 🥇

Fil Miskic, System Administrator at Stylight, suggests: “Best thing is to have a schedule. Try not to make it too much into a routine where it gets too repetitive but a good routine where you feel you have accomplished something at the end of the day.”

Stylight Homeoffice Tip #7:
Have a schedule, so you feel like you accomplished something at the end of the day 🥇

Stylight home office tip #8:
Use another computer for private activities 💻

“Trying to wake up at the same time as during my normal routine and stretching to start the day off right. Scheduling breaks and keeping the lunchbreak to maintain the day structured and trying to stick to the same schedules as always to be able to disconnect. It is difficult to keep your mind off work knowing that you have access to everything from home, so it is a good idea to use another computer for your private activities. And very important, establish an exercise routine to keep your body active! “, says Cristina Riba Fernández, Associate Business Development Manager at Stylight.

Stylight Homeoffice Tip #8:
Use another computer for private activities

Stylight home office tip #9:
Have a dedicated table only to home office 💐

Astrid Linser, Lead Online Marketing Manager, suggests: “Go for a walk in the morning to wake up, before you start working at your nicely decorated table dedicated only to home office. Flowers, a proper lamp and virtual coffee chats keep up your motivation.”

Stylight Homeoffice Tip #9:
Go for a walk in the morning to wake up

Stylight home office tip #10:
Working from Home with kids – Take a deep breath and let go 🧸

Marine Jullien, our Lead Brand & Content Marketing Manager: “I have 2 young kids, so I know what it means to do home office with children around (i.e. it’s super hard!). My advice: take a deep breath and try to let go… Yes, your flat will be a mess, yes, your kids may watch more Netflix, and yes, it will be hard to concentrate on your work. Accept the situation and acknowledge you are doing your best to keep your family together and your team, customers, users, partners happy.”.

… to be continued!

Continue to read our next 10 tips for working from home in this article. We also published an article about 6 easy things we’re curently doing at Stylight to keep our motivation and team spirit while working 100% remotely!

You can also follow us on Linkedin, where we’ll continue to share tips from us with you! Something to add? Let us know in the comments.


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