The Millennial Woman Codes: STYLIGHTers take on Rails Girls Munich
Rails Girls is global, non-profit volunteer community which hosts one-day workshops all over the world…

Who run the world? Girl (developers)
Rails Girls is back in Munich: an event that goes perfectly hand in hand with Stylight’s vision to support the millennial woman and our values as an engineering company focused on diversity.
Our techie girls Julie and Maria were part of it: read more about female developers in companies!

Customer Acquisition Channels: Dos & Don’ts
What are the Best Practices When it Comes to Acquisition Channels? Stylight participated in the 3rd edition of the Lengow Ecommerce Day in Paris, one of the major ecommerce meetups in France. Find out here how the speakers answered to this strategic question.

Velocity vs. Cycle time – or ‘How to predict how much work will get done by a given time’
Both velocity and cycle time make predictions based on completed work in the past. This…

A conference for developers by developers: welcome to daho.am!
No name would be more appropriate than “daho.am”, meaning “at home” in Bavarian dilect, for our own conference created for developers by developers. Want to know more about Google, Spotify, Rocket Internet and all the other speakers? Read here!

Stylight takes NYC: Fashion Fridays
A prime location for shopping in New York City, the streets of SoHo are lined with premium stores and boutiques. And then there’s us, an awesome international company who’s ready to make a stylish splash in the States and among all the fashionable people in the Big Apple. Want to know more about our glamorous Fashion Fridays? Read here…